Objective: Build and bake pizzas to score points.
How to Play Round 1:
Click the Start Round button to begin. The round timer will start counting down from 3 minutes, and the game area will be displayed.
Press on the ingredients buttons to create fresh ingredients! They will appear in the Shared Ingredients box. The ingredients in this box can be used by everyone in the room.
Drag and Drop, (on mobile tap to select, then tap to drop), your ingredients to the Pizza Builder to create a pizza.
Valid pizzas in round 1 are:
When you have all the ingredients in the Pizza Builder, press the Submit Pizza button to send the pizza to the Built Pizzas area.
The Built Pizza area holds all the room's pizzas - there is no limit to how many pizzas you can store here!
Each pizza has a button which will move it to the oven. The oven has a WiP (Work in Progress) limit of 3, meaning you can only cook 3 pizzas at a time. To cook the pizzas just switch on the oven. Pizzas need to spend between 30 and 45 seconds in a switched on oven to be properly cooked.
Once the oven is switched on, you can not add more pizza without first switching off the oven. When the oven is switched off all pizzas inside it are removed - if they have been cooked for 30-45 seconds they will be added to the Completed Pizzas box.
Pizzas cooked for less than 30 seconds, or more than 45 seconds and pizzas prepared with incorrect ingredients will be moved to the Wasted Pizzas box.
Component | Points | Description |
Completed Pizzas | +10 | Per pizza baked for 30-45 seconds |
Wasted Pizzas | -10 | Per undercooked (< 30s), burnt (> 45s), or invalid pizza |
Uncooked Pizzas | -5 | Per pizza built but not baked or still in oven at end |
Leftover Ingredients | -1 | Per unused prepared ingredient |
How to Play Round 2:
Component | Points | Description |
Completed Pizzas | +10 | Per pizza baked for 30-45 seconds |
Wasted Pizzas | -10 | Per undercooked (< 30s), burnt (> 45s), or invalid pizza |
Uncooked Pizzas | -5 | Per pizza built but not baked or still in oven at end |
Leftover Ingredients | -1 | Per unused prepared ingredient |
How to Play Round 3:
Component | Points | Description |
Fulfilled Orders | +20 | Per cooked pizza matching a customer order |
Unmatched Pizzas | -10 | Per cooked pizza not matching any order |
Wasted Pizzas | -10 | Per undercooked (< 30s), burnt (> 45s), or unmatched build |
Uncooked Pizzas | -5 | Per pizza built but not baked or still in oven at end |
Leftover Ingredients | -1 | Per unused prepared ingredient |
Remaining Orders | -15 | Per unfulfilled customer order at end |
"Individuals and interactions over processes and tools" β as stated in the Agile Manifesto. Collaborate, adapt, and continuously improve your pizza-making process!
Pizzas Completed: 0
Pizzas Wasted: 0
Uncooked Pizzas: 0
Leftover Ingredients: 0
Fulfilled Orders: 0
Remaining Orders: 0
Unmatched Pizzas: 0
Score: 0